Pet Articles: Lifestyle

How to Go Green with Your Pet

April is Earth Month, a time to raise awareness and make changes to protect the planet. Now, our furry pals can do their part, with help from their Pet Parents. You’ll be planet-saving partners in no time, with inspiring tips that are not only great for going green, but staying that way all year round.

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Small changes can lead to a world of difference.

Travel on foot — and paw.

Who doesn’t want to go outside? Just leave your car keys (and the car) behind. Walking places with your pet and taking in that mood-boosting sunshine isn’t just good for your health. It’s also a win for the environment, producing no greenhouse gas emissions or other air pollutants. Just make sure you keep your pet on a leash, pick up whatever’s left behind, and enjoy yourselves!

Give pet goods a second life.

Your unwanted pet goods could help animals in need. New and gently used leashes, collars, toys, food and water bowls, and grooming tools are just some of the items commonly needed at your local animal shelter. Pet beds, pillows, and blankets are important, too, as they can leave with the lucky pet who finds their forever home. Keeping those adoptable pets clean tends to get messy, which means your towels and rags are also in demand. Call your local animal shelter and find out what they need, then ask your friends if they can help, too!

See even more green when you buy bulk.

Buying your pet food and treats in bulk is a big win for everyone. You’ll not only be going green, but also saving time and money. Here’s how it works:

  • You make fewer trips to the store, saving time and gas.
  • Less packaging gets tossed, especially if you can recycle it.
  • Each serving costs less, giving you some extra green.

Here are a few more ways to be a planet-friendly Pet Parent every day:

  • Choose compostable poop bags over plastic.
  • Clean up after pets with old towels and rags instead of paper towels.
  • Make green, pet-friendly cleaners from household staples like vinegar and baking soda.
  • Build a “catio” so your cat can go outside without harming other animals.
  • Use eco-friendly cat litter, made from materials like corn and sawdust.

Whether you and your buddy start small or reach for the stars, as planet-saving partners, you’re doing great! For more inspiration, follow the classic motto “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” and look into other ways Pet Parents and pets can go green.