image of a dog, man in background

Pet Cancer Awareness

Join the fight against pet cancer.

Millions of pets are diagnosed with cancer every year, making it the #1 disease-related threat to our dogs and cats. That’s why we’re committed to leading the fight against this devastating disease during Pet Cancer Awareness Month and all year long. To date, we’ve helped raise over $30 million to spread awareness, fund research, and help pets get the treatment they need.

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Success Stories

Celebrating Second Chances

While pet cancer can be scary, it’s important to know there is hope. Get to know these amazing pets who received the help they needed in their battle with cancer thanks to our partnerships with Petco Love and Morris Animal Foundation, and donations like yours.

image of a dog

Angel, Cancer Survivor

Received treatment she needed for her battle with soft-tissue sarcoma

image of a cat

Mika, Cancer Survivor

Diagnosed with injection site sarcoma and received radiation treatment at Cornell University

image of a cat

Mao, Cancer Survivor

In remission from nasal lymphoma after receiving treatment at Ohio State University

A dog standing in the grass - Snickers, Cancer Survivor Dog

Snickers, Cancer Survivor

Cancer free for 5 years after having hemangiosarcoma growths removed

Two dogs in grassy field - Izzy, Cancer Survivor Dog

Izzy, Cancer Survivor

Thriving after surviving soft-tissue sarcoma and a leg amputation

A dog lying in leaves - Drake, Cancer Survivor Dog

Drake, Cancer Survivor

Treated for t-zone lymphoma at the University of Wisconsin

A dog with its tongue out

New Treatments for Dogs with Pet Cancer


Dr. Heather Gardner, a researcher funded by Morris Animal Foundation, and her team recently studied genetic mutations of osteosarcoma, the most common bone cancer in dogs. Their learnings helped identify new treatments for dogs diagnosed with osteosarcoma. We are so excited for this incredible progress and to be able to sponsor this important work.

We're Here to Help

Resources to Help Protect Your Best Friend

Please take a moment to learn the warning signs of dog and cat cancer and what you can do if your family is affected.

  • The Warning Signs

  • 10 Steps to Take

  • image of a cat

    Pet Cancer Symptoms


    Discovering early warning signs is an important aspect of pet cancer treatment because it gives your best friend the best chance of successful care. Some of the early warning symptoms include:

    • Swollen lymph nodes or changing lumps
    • Chronic weight loss
    • Chronic vomiting or diarrhea
    • Unexplained bleeding
    • Oral odor
  • image of pet and parent

    10 Steps to Take


    While a pet cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming, there are a few helpful steps you can take to help ease you through the process. Here’s where to start:

    • Take some time to process the news during this emotional time
    • Talk to your veterinarian, ask plenty of questions and learn all you can
    • Reach out to a veterinary oncologist
    • Keep calm and stick to your regular routine

    Read the full article for more information as well as additional steps you can take.