Cat Articles: Wellness

Finding the Best Carrier for Your Cat

Getting your cat from place to place isn't quite as simple as transporting a dog. While many pups eagerly jump into the car as soon as you open the door, cats tends to be a little more leery of that giant moving contraption. 

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cat creeping out of its crate

And even if you do successfully get your cat to crawl into the car, when the journey begins he may get nervous and jump around, posing a danger to you, himself and other drivers on the road.

When transporting a cat, it is always best to play it safe and use a cat carrier. This isn't just for car travel; if you are flying, taking a train or even walking to the vet, a carrier should be an essential part of the journey.

Because you want to make sure your fuzzy little one is as comfortable as possible, not just any carrier will do. You want make sure your pet isn't afraid to travel – especially when it's time to go to the vet. In order to make the experience as welcoming as possible, it's important to find a carrier where your cat will feel safe and secure.

Soft carriers

This easy-to-carry option usually comes with a shoulder strap, which makes them great for transport. Since soft cat carriers aren't bulky, they are easier to store when not in use. They usually have plenty of zipper openings as well, which can make removing a cat easy, no matter where he tries to hide.

Suitcase carriers

These look just like wheeled suitcases with mesh on the sides and front so the cat can see what's going on outside the carrier. If you can't lift heavy objects, this is a great option. They typically offer a soft body with a firm base and plenty of space. They tend to be on the larger side, so another smaller option may be better if space is an issue.

Plastic carriers

This is the most popular type of cat crate. They are spacious and sturdy. The ones that come apart are handy at the vet's office for scared kitties. You simply remove the entire top and your cat can stay exactly where he is. Carriers that have a "sun-roof" type opening are also handy because you can open the top easily and reach in to remove the cat or place him inside.

No matter what type of carrier you choose, you will want to make sure it is the purrfect fit: 

  • A carrier should have enough space for your cat to stand without crouching and fully turn around.
  • If you’re going for a long trip, make sure your cat’s carrier can accommodate food and water bowls as well.
  • However, it shouldn't be too large that your cat doesn't feel cozy and safe.

Once you find the ideal carrier, get him used to going in and out of the crate even when you're not going anywhere. Gradually build up to short trips and then longer trips. Your fuzzy feline will be a great traveling companion in no time!