Pet Articles: Wellness

Getting Ticks Off!
How to Safely Remove Them.

Whether you’re a pet parent, animal lover or simply spend time outdoors, you’ll inevitably come across ticks. If your fur flies at the thought of removing these annoying arachnids, familiarize yourself with the following steps.

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Using fine-point tweezers or tools specifically designed to safely remove ticks, you might even become a pro. Plus, the reward is worth it: As Tick-Conqueror, you’ll be your best buddy’s hero.

Post-bite precautions
Despite a seemingly successful removal, the tick’s mouthparts may still get left behind.

Don’t try to remove them with the tweezer. Instead, clean the site completely with soap and water to disinfect it then hold a warm compress to the area, which may bring the parts to the surface.

After, remove your gloves, wash your hands with soap and water and sterilize the tweezers with alcohol.

Most importantly, watch out for possible infections. If the bite site is inflamed and red at any time, bring your pet and the perpetrating tick to your veterinarian for treatment and testing.

4 Tips to Safely Remove Tick

1—Prep step
Before you remove a tick, put some rubbing alcohol inside a lidded jar where you’ll store the tick. Don’t flush or trash the tick because your veterinarian may want to test it if your pet gets sick after the bite.

2—Wear gloves
Use latex or rubber gloves to avoid direct contact with the tick and the bite area. Disease-carrying ticks can enter bloodstreams through cuts or by touching eye, nose and mouth areas.

3—Ticks take two
Ideally, enlist an anti-squirm helper. Next to the bite itself, your pet won’t relish the removal process; having another person to calm and hold a squirming pet makes things easier.

4—Easy, tweezy
Dab rubbing alcohol on the bite site. Grab the tick as close to your pet’s skin as possible with your tweezers or tick tool and pull straight up using a steady, even pressure. Put the tick in the jar you prepared and close the lid.

CAREFUL! Avoid jerking, twisting, or squeezing and crushing the tick.
They can leave embedded mouthparts or infectious body fluids behind.